Add GEDmatch kit Number to Members Interests

The ESFH website has the facility to enable members to attach their GEDmatch kit number to their Surname Interests.

Members can add their GEDmatch kit number to their ‘Members’s Profile’ when they are logged in to the Members Area of the ESFH website.

GEDmatch is a very useful website that allows one to compare DNA raw data from different sites testing companies. Most DNA testing sites companies have the facility to download raw data.

Anyone who, downloads their raw data may then upload it to GEDmatch, where it will be allocated a ‘Kit Number’. GEDmatch will then generate a match list with others. The GEDmatch chromosone browser provies a table of matching chromosones and segments that may be pasted into DNA Painter. It is then possible to see exactly where, on which chromosome, the match occurs. Several people descending from a common ancestral couple will match on the same segment of the same chromosome.

If you find a surname interest match with someone whose DNA is on GEDmatch, you can immediately compare their kit with your own.

Back to ESFH News | Posted 04 March 2022

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