ESFH Help Topics
This page is intended to put members in touch with others who can help with methods and tools for their research. It is not an offer to do research on other’s behalf.
Some questions may be answered by e-mail or telephone, whilst others may be best tackled with the aid of Skype or Zoom. With these video tools, screens may be shared and discussed, to understand problems and to demonstrate solutions.
To use this facility first click/tap on the arrow on the drop down list under “Select a Primary Topic” and select one of the items from the list. Next repeat this for “Select a Secondary Topic”. Finally click/tap the down arrow in the box under “Select Contact” and select one of the people listed to contact them.
Add your name, e-mail address and your message/question in the boxes provided. Click on ’Send’ to contact the chosen member. They will then reply to the message to arrange a mutually convenient time and communication method.
Please complete all fields above.
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Registered Charity No 290552
- Hosted and supported by Beachshore
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