Update your Membership details via the website

If there are any changes to your personal details you can update them yourself via our website.

First log in to the members area of the website, then select "Member Profile" from the Membership Menu.

The Member Profile Page will open. Here you will find your membership number and the date your subscription is due for renewal.

Below this are listed your Name and Address along with any other information you have supplied, such as a phone number or email address. If any of these details change simply correct them and click the submit button to save the changes. In this section you will also find your contact preferences, please remember to tick the boxes to indicate which method(s) we may contact you by.

At the bottom of the screen there is a separate section where you can change your password. Type your old (current) password in the first box and your new password in the second box and click the submit button at the bottom to save the change. Please remember that once you have done this you will need to use your new password to log in in future.

We hope that you will find these features useful in keeping your records up to date.

Paul Stirland,
Webmaster, ESFH

Back to ESFH News | Posted 24 January 2022

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