Can You Spell That Please (morning) & Defending Chelmsford against Napoleon (afternoon) [Hybrid] on 15 February 2025

Galleywood Heritage Centre

Galleywood Common



10:30am to 3:00pm GMT

Members - £1 Donation

Visitors Welcome - £3 Donation


Programme of Events:-


Can You Spell that Please

a talk by

Angela Hillier

A look at the variations in the way surnames are spelt and what variations to look for if you have “lost” an ancestor.

Log on from:- 10:45am

You will need to register in advance if you wish to attend on Zoom. Use the button below to go to the Registration Page. Once you have registered you will receive an email from Zoom confirming your registration and the joining details.

Click to Register for Angela's Talk



Defending Chelmsford against Napoleon

a talk by

Neil Wiffen

During the late 1790s and early 1800 hundreds Napoleon Bonaparte threatened Great Britian with invasion. While Kent an Sussex would have most likely been the primary target for invasion, Essex came a very close second with the strategic port of Harwich close by the gently shelving beaches at Clacton. If the French has come, they would have advanced on London and at Chelmsford the main defense of the capital would have been undertaken. The entrenched camp extending from Wood Street to Galleywood Common were the most extensive fortifications built north of the Thames during this period. Join Neil to find out more about them and their importance to the defense of London.

Log on from:- 1:15pm

You will need to register in advance if you wish to attend on Zoom. Use the button below to go to the Registration Page. Once you have registered you will receive an email from Zoom confirming your registration and the joining details.

Click to Register for Neil's Talk  

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